Missed Our Cue!
This talented cast brought us one great show! This cast included:
Alex Hutson
Alishia Stride
Amy Pottinger
Amy Wilding
Charley Woodward
Chloe Emily Shepherd
Emily Hawkes
Hannah Guile
Ido Steuer
Kamran Seal
Katie Upton
Lauren Kinghorn
Leanne Lyndsey White
Matt Jacobs
Megan Maree
Misty-Lola Branch
Natasha Maxworthy
Rhi O’Keefe
Ryan Stevens
Sherridan Povey
Siobhan White
Thomas Hegarty
We would like to thank you everyone who helped us in anyway, from the production team, to the cast, to any parents/households of the cast who were very patient with the rehearsals, to anyone who purchased a ticket and was able to support us. Thank you- All your support was greatly appreciated and we could not have done it without you.