Summer School 2021

And that’s a wrap! What a great summer school we had this year! All the teacher have had an absolute blast. We were so proud of every single child this week. All children aged 7+ asked for and did a solo, we were so impressed that by the end of the week the felt brave enough to do one!

We had some fabulous teachers to help us!

Chloe Emily Shepherd- Dance
Natalie Cox- Singing
Jess Willis- Singing
Amelia Dorey- Little Stars
Corey Abery- Little Stars
Rhi O’Keefe- Drama

The children all seemed to have an absolute blast!

Show photos coming soon- Please let us know if you would like to purchase anymore DVD/Bluray or photo disks before we put our order into the photographer and videographer.


American Idiot Auditions- Save the date!


Anything Goes Photoshoot