More! More! More!


Act 1

  • Everybody- & Juliet

  • Problem/Can't feel my face- & Juliet

  • Lamest Place in the World- 13 the Musical

  • If that's what it is- 13 the Musical

  • Seize the Day- Newsies

  • Santa Fe- Newsies

  • Shine- Billy Elliot

  • Born To Boogie- Billy Elliot

  • Mama who bore me- Spring Awakening

  • All that Jazz- Chicago

  • We both reached for the gun- Chicago

  • Do-Re-Me- Sound of Music

  • My Favourite Things- Sound of Music

  • Dammit Janet- Rocky Horror

  • Time Warp- Rocky Horror

Act 2

Ex Wives- Six

  • Heart of Stone- Six

  • Almost Nearly Perfect- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  • If your mother were here- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  • Juicy- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  • Pure Imagination- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  • A Soft Place to Land- Waitress

  • The Negative- Waitress

  • She used to be mine- Waitress

  • It's possible- Seussical

  • 30/90- Tick Tick Boom

  • No More- Tick Tick Boom

  • Pick a Pocket- Oliver

  • We Will Rock You medley- We Will Rock You

Youth Cast

  • Amelia Harcourt

  • Bethany Powell

  • Devraj Singh Ranautta Khatter

  • Ella Maree

  • Honey Davies

  • Hugo Murphy

  • Jacobi Smith

  • Joshua Main

  • Katherine Graham

  • Lily Davies

  • Lucy Chick

  • Maddelise Froude

  • Zeynep Hanne Kara

Adult Cast

  • Emily Hawkes

  • Hannah Guile

  • Hayley Crofts

  • Ido Steuer

  • Libby Thomassen

  • Matt Jacobs

  • Matthew Harcourt

  • Misty-Lola Branch

  • Phoebe Jerman

  • Rhi O'Keefe

  • Stella Wright

Creative Team

  • Director/Producer- Rhi O'Keefe

  • Choreographers- Hayley Crofts, Amelia Dorey, Emily Hawkes

  • Youth Theatre Company Teachers- Rhi O'Keefe, Hayley Crofts, Phoebe Jerman

  • Youth Theatre Company Assistants- Misty-Lola Branch

  • Lighting Designer and Operator- Oliver Bamber

  • Sound Designer and Operator- Tom Horrox

  • Photographer/Videographer- Michael Gribble

  • Head Chaperones- Rachel Pennycook, Paul Harrington, Monique Maree

  • Chaperones- Friends and Family of Anything Goes Theatre Company

  • Front of House- - Friends and Family of Anything Goes Theatre Company