After our sell out production we are so proud of the cast for putting on such a beautiful show. The audience had nothing but positive things to say! Please see below for all our production information and a few photos from our show week- taken by the very talented photographer, Michael Gribble.

Cast List

Susie Salmon- Hayley Crofts

George Harvey- Ido Steuer

Jack Salmon- Seb Wrightson

Abigail Salmon- Phoebe Jerman

Lindsey Salmon- Amelia Dorey

Buckley/Franny- Hannah Guile

Grandma Lynn- Emily Hawkes

Ray Singh- Matt Oxley

Ruth Connors- Lauren Kinghorn

Len Fenerman- Jack Bradley

Samuel Heckler- Ben Ashton

Cop/Flora/Girl- Elspeth Young

Ruana/Wendy- Saffron Harrington

Miss Flanagan/Leah- Megan Maree

Creative Team

Director/Producer- Rhi O’Keefe

Sound Operator- Tom Horrox

Assistant Sound- Emily Hawkes

Stage Manager- Tanya Rampello

Technical Crew- Steph Hewitt

Lighting Designer- James Denny

Rehearsal Photographer- Rhi O’Keefe

Show Photographer- Michael Gribble

Special Thanks- Ben Ashton, Amelia Dorey, Emily Hawkes, Hannah Guile, Hayley Crofts, Holly Drawater, Phoebe Jerman, Steph Hewitt